Just Text Me!

I recently watched my daughter apply for a position and was surprised by how much of the interview process happened via text. And why not? So much of our communication happens this way! Texting is quick and it’s convenient. And the numbers speak for themselves! According to Pew Research, 97% of Americans are using texting at least once a day AND texts have a 98% open rate (email only has 20%)! So, if you are using texting to secure good talent – good for you! Here are a couple of things to keep in mind.

  • Your first contact should still be a more traditional way of communicating. If you get messages from a number you don’t recognize, do you open them?
  • Get permission from the candidate. Some of your applicants might not feel great about getting texts from their perspective employer.
  • Miscommunication can be a downfall. When sending the text, avoid abbreviations and acronyms. What might seem second-nature to you, might be confusing to your candidate!
  • Keep it short! Long messages can be hard to read via mobile.
  • Create templates. Sending directions with a map can be an easy way to help your candidate find the interview location.
  • Be professional. Even though you might love sending your friends gifs and emojis, this is not the place for it. Your goal is to help the candidate understand the position and help them see the value of working for your company! Don’t text your candidates at night or during weekends. This shows a lack of respect for their personal time.
  • Use your work phone for texting (unless you want the candidate to have your personal number).

I watched texting in action and it worked! If you’re unsure whether it’s the right option, use this simple rule: “If I got this message via text, how would I feel about it?” If you can’t say for sure your reaction would be positive, then you might want to send an email or pick up the phone.

Be well,


Girl Listening Music

Lori Morton-Lockley

Lori is a Brand Strategy Manager working at Mid-West Family La Crosse and contributor to CouleeRegionJobs.com. As a former Human Resource Professional, Lori knows the challenges businesses face finding and securing good talent. Lori will work with you, using her almost thirty years in Human Resources, to determine your goals and help you find the right tactics to achieve them. Additionally, Lori works with clients in all categories to grow their business. If you have questions about recruiting employees or want to grow your business, give Lori a call.

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