Build a Fence – Targeted Display for Recruitment

There is a lot of technology to take advantage of when you are looking for talent! There is definitely no shortage of websites to post your positions. I lost count long ago! It seems like there is a site for every niche profession! But the fact is, even with record unemployment, it is still difficult to find the right person for your open position.

Enter the passive job seeker. This is a person who has a job and is not actively looking. They are not on job boards. They are not hunting down positions on your website and they are definitely not reading the want ads (is there such a thing anymore?)!  What they are doing is going to work every day. They are on their phones. They are using their phones to do research on products, services and topics. They are on their phones keeping up with friends on social media. THEY ARE ON THEIR PHONES!

So, how do you connect with this person if they aren’t looking for a job? Display ads! With display advertising we target potential candidates based on their browsing habits and location. You can serve ads to employees at competitor locations.  If you have access to a list of people who perform a certain job (like people with a Class A CDL), you can serve them ads about your opportunity! Browsing habits allow you to target based on interests and specific talents. If, for example, you are hiring for a welder, you can target web users who look up welding techniques, information and videos. You can even serve ads to someone who came to your website looking for your information. It’s magical. With Targeted Display you are reaching people who might actually be interested in your opportunities; not wasting money and time on people who are not interested!

So, does it work? With a proper strategy, yes! It’s important to build a campaign that serves enough ads to achieve a good frequency among your target. You want your audience to see you again and again to make a lasting impression. And great, dynamic creative ads will go a long way in attracting the eyes of potential candidates. Keep in mind, you will be speaking to someone with a job. You will need to make a case for leaving their current position. Market and job trend research will allow you to create a solid value proposition.  

Have you had experience using targeted display for recruitment? How did it go for you? What advice do you have for other Recruiters?

Be well,


Bird on a chain link fence

Lori Morton-Lockley

Lori is a Brand Strategy Manager working at Mid-West Family La Crosse and contributor to As a former Human Resource Professional, Lori knows the challenges businesses face finding and securing good talent. Lori will work with you, using her almost thirty years in Human Resources, to determine your goals and help you find the right tactics to achieve them. Additionally, Lori works with clients in all categories to grow their business. If you have questions about recruiting employees or want to grow your business, give Lori a call.

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