Nailing It – A Guide to Virtual Job Fairs and Interviews

A lot of things have changed since March. The way we apply for and secure a great job is one of them. Arguably there are positives and negatives to hiring virtually. But for now, and for the short-term future (I hope), this is a very real way to find a new job. So, how do you make the most of your Virtual Interview and get the job you want?

  • Like with any interview, do your research. What are the values of the company? Are they consistent with yours? Take a good, long look at the job description. These are often found on the company’s website. Now ask yourself some questions. How can you help this business be more successful? What unique talents and skills do you offer? Write it down (I know, old school), but being prepared can help you stand out from your competition.
  • If this is a Virtual Job Fair, register ahead of time. Waiting to register on the day of the event may find you scrambling at the last minute.
  • Review and update your resume. Again, old school, but people really do look at this document. Make sure you have someone else proof it for spelling errors and content. This is your opportunity to make a great impression.
  • Technology! Love it or hate it, if it breaks down in the middle of your interview, it’s going to be a struggle. Choose your device wisely and practice using it. Think about distractions and try to minimize them. If you have a barking dog or kids, and you’re like me, your house can get chaotic. Think forward and try to minimize the distractions.
  • We’ve all seen the memes with people in Zoom calls with no pants! This, while hilarious, is probably not a good idea for your Virtual Job Fair or Interview. Present yourself in the same way you would if you were meeting someone in person. Dress professionally. You can always put your sweats on when you’re done.
  • The room you choose for your interview is important. You’d be surprised what people notice when they get a peek into your home. Make sure the room you’re in is well-lit and clean (or at least looks clean). Think about the photos and art you have hanging on your wall. Your contributions should be what are important, not the poster from the Grateful Dead!
  • As anyone who knows me will tell you, I am easily distracted by anything shiny. If you’re like me, you’ll want to remember to hold eye contact and stay focused. While you’re in your interview remember to use your body language and professional communication skills to win over the recruiter.
  • Send a thank you note. Yep, this is still important. Hand written always wins with me. If nothing else, send an email thanking the company representative for their time. Share what you enjoyed and reiterate your interest in the job. Remind the Interviewer how you can help them and their company be more successful.

It’s a challenging job market right now. If you have other tips, I’d love to hear them. My wish for you, go out there and nail it!

Be well,



Lori Morton-Lockley

Lori is a Brand Strategy Manager working at Mid-West Family La Crosse and contributor to As a former Human Resource Professional, Lori knows the challenges businesses face finding and securing good talent. Lori will work with you, using her almost thirty years in Human Resources, to determine your goals and help you find the right tactics to achieve them. Additionally, Lori works with clients in all categories to grow their business. If you have questions about recruiting employees or want to grow your business, give Lori a call.
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