Yes, you can be on TV!

If you have your finger on the pulse of marketing trends you’ve no doubt seen more and more about the shift to OTT/CTV.  If you haven’t let us clarify those horrific acronyms: OTT is Over the Top Television and CTV is Connected Television. The short story is, it’s streaming TV. 

Almost 30% of households plan to ‘cut the cord’ in 2021. That’s 21 million households leaving traditional cable companies for streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Sling and many others. Here’s the good part for you: tv has never been more accessible to businesses like yours. Let us explain.

While many will migrate to pay streaming services there are millions of others using ad-supported platforms to watch their favorite shows. Ads are delivered differently on streaming services and allow us to target users in highly defined ways. It’s what’s known as behavioral targeting and uses internet browsing history to tap into people who are in the market for what our clients are selling.

Behavioral targeting allows a business to deliver ads based off what the user is interested in rather than what we assume the user is interested in. A behavior-based strategy allows you to get your ads in front of those who have shown interest in what you have whether they are 25, 45 or even 75. 

This type of marketing requires a little more thought in the beginning stages to identify the behaviors your optimal customers will take but it pays off in the end. Me and my team at Mid-West Family specialize in making streaming TV work for small businesses. Drop me a line or click for a free digital analysis. What’s in it for you? More customers, more business, more MONEY!


Cedric Friesen

Husband, Dad, Boss, Leader, Fan. Cedric enjoys serving with the Kiwanis Club and on the board of the Hunger Task Force. He’s also been involved with numerous charity events and fundraisers through Mid-West Family. He’s true to Minnesota sports teams and tolerates most Wisconsin teams. When it comes to business Cedric loves win win win situations!

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