Are We Having Events Yet?

In the past few weeks I’ve had LOTS of conversations with people discussing event plans for 2021.  Concerts, wedding shows, run/walks, motorcycle rides, bus trips… you name it.  All of these things are planned months and months in advance but there are still so many unknowns. 

Although a Covid vaccine has shown everyone a “light at the end of the tunnel”, everyone’s idea of what they’re comfortable with still varies GREATLY.  Judging from the actions of most, masks are a good thing.  Some are okay eating inside a restaurant, some still prefer to carry out.  Some have very small circles like immediate family only and some are okay having a small group of friends over from time to time.  I have a few friends that wouldn’t let their parents in their house for Christmas and others that flew to Mexico on vacation.  (super cheap right now, btw) 

If you put on a yearly run/walk, you normally have at least a hint of what to expect for a turnout.  But what about now?  Will enough people be comfortable in participating come April and May?  Judging from the crowds at Rotary Lights, I would think so?  But what about an outdoor concert?  People are a lot less spread out.  Will they be comfortable rocking out in May?  August?  Will they be good with crowds by Oktoberfest?  When will it be okay to have a concert at the La Crosse Center?  I’ve heard some people think in a month or two and others guessing next winter.

We usually do 6 to 8 bus trips to Miller Park…(ahem) Am Fam Field for Brewers games.  At what point would you be okay riding on a bus for 3 hours with 50 strangers?  What if it was only 25 strangers?  Would it make a difference?  April?  July?  2022?  It’s pretty tough right now for organizers to make plans, not to mention putting up large investments, for events in 2021.

There’s also the optics to consider.  We’re a pretty opinionated and “judgy” society.  Sure, you might have enough interest and comfort level for your event to happen, but will you get torched on social media because some will think it’s too soon!

I sure don’t know have the answers and I don’t think anyone else does either.  We just have to make the best decisions we can with the data we have at the time and.. hope for the best. 

If you’re struggling with your 2021 event planning, I wish you all the best. I’m looking forward to some concerts when the time is right. Whenever THAT is.


Brian Jackson

Brian is the General Manager at Mid-West Family and has been on the MWF team since 1992.
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