Turn and Face the Change

There have been a lot of changes!  Changes in how we work and where we work.  Everything is different! Businesses are re-evaluating their business models and making some pretty significant transformations. So how do people not only survive, but thrive when everything they know is turned upside down? I don’t have any magic answers but I’ll share what’s working for me right now.

Learn as much as you can. Working in a business that relies on technology for both communication, and as a service we provide customers, I find that I have to continually challenge myself to learn. I take advantage of classes and YouTube. Sometimes it’s a quick five-minute tutorial on how to use TikTok, sometimes it’s a more in-depth class. It can be overwhelming – but it’s also exciting!

Ask for help. There is no way we can all learn everything we need to learn in our fast-paced world. Talk to the specialists in your departments. They are generally happy to answer questions and share information. Ask them where they learned. They may be able to help point you in the right direction. Ask until you get it. Your customers and your co-workers are depending on you.

Be patient with yourself. If you’re like me, you want all of it done now! I have to look for the progress and celebrate the things we accomplish. Some days are harder than others.  But looking for the good helps me to stay focused and realize the steps we’re taking to be better.

Have a sense of humor! If I could not laugh throughout the day, I would not make it! Yes, the business and work I provide is serious, but it’s also fantastically funny on days!

What things are you doing to help you get through the changes your workplaces are experiencing? 

Be Well!


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