Just Be Cool

woman in gray tank top

We’ve all seen the stories of people losing their minds about having to follow Covid-19 safety precautions. A quick YouTube search will take you down a hole of insane behavior of those for and against. All of it troubling.

Pizza Doctors in La Crosse, shared an interaction that recently happened at their restaurant (see below) and along with it, a message…

If you’re not going to follow the rules, and your going to be a jackass, STAY HOME! It will make the rest of us much happier, and much safer.

The rule that was broken was pretty reasonable. Children under 10 not allowed at the buffet. In fact, I’m pretty good with a rule like that even WITHOUT a pandemic.

There’s no need to start swearing at an employee. The restaurants in our area are really hurting. They’re doing everything in their power to stay alive and to keep up with safety measures that people expect. A recent LOCAL survey shows that the vast majority of shoppers in our area expect safety requirements of employees and shoppers. Retailers and restaurants are doing this because they want to stay in business. They want to provide for their families, enable employees to provide for their families and to protect their customers. If you don’t agree with someone’s policy, just go somewhere else. No need to get hostile. There’s enough negativity to go around right now.

If you agree, order a pizza or carry-out tonight from one of your favorite places. There are quite a few right here.

I know patience are wearing thin, but we still have a long way to go.

Just be cool.

So Tuesday night a woman and her SIX YEAR OLD daughter came in for dinner. Right away the little girl is at the salad…

Posted by Pizza Doctors on Wednesday, October 28, 2020