A Season of Giving and Gratitude

Imagine hitting rock bottom. What does that look like? Perhaps you lose your job, or a serious illness wreaks havoc on your body. Debts pile up. Situations pile on. It doesn’t take much to destroy the delicate balance between having it all and losing everything. Disaster is merciless.  

Take a deep breath. My goal isn’t to trigger a full-blown anxiety attack, especially during a pandemic, but once you recognize the thin line that stands between you and your greatest fears, you can accept a new perspective. Wrap your arms around it. Give it a big squeeze and lean into a practice of gratitude and generosity.  

Practicing gratitude and generosity helped me appreciate even the most mundane. Now I celebrate the annoying. Instead of grumbling about the after-work trip to the store, I relax into the ease of buying a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread. Grocery shopping is a blessing! Okay, you may not leap for joy while in line at Festival Foods, but it is true. We are fortunate.  

And should you ever hit rock bottom; we’ve got you. We live in a generous area. The caring hearts here won’t let you fail.  

In fact, Z93’s Season of Giving recently recognized our local Catholic CharitiesSalvation Army, The Hunger Task Force, The La Crosse Community Foundation and Coulee Recovery Center. These institutions provide meaningful services to those in need. To support their efforts, we donated $500 to each organization on behalf of Dairyland Power and Your Local Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. Our core philosophy is community service. It’s an honor to give back and what I love most about working for Mid-West Family.  

As you look to 2021 with promise, create the magic you seek through gratitude and generosity. Let’s make our future selves proud and build a better community for everyone.  

Happy New Year! And remember, grocery shopping is a blessing.


Jen O'Brien

As VP of Innovation, I bring over 30 years of experience in broadcast media and digital marketing to my role overseeing client success and marketing efforts. The power of communication has always fascinated me, and as the world has changed, so too has my interest in understanding how to effectively connect with audiences. I believe that storytelling is at the core of all great marketing campaigns, and my experience in media has taught me the importance of delivering that story in the right way and at the right time. At Mid-West Family, we pride ourselves on creating positive change for our clients through engaging content that helps people connect and communities come together.
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